In collaboration with Leblon Delienne, Marcel Wanders presents The Spirits of Nature. This comic book brings to life the story of two distinct characters who playfully connect with the world around them. Both spirits, Kai and Meg, are helpful to those they meet and naturally become part of their group, delivering positive outcomes for all they interact with. Interested in creating collectibles, Leblon Delienne and Marcel Wanders have aligned to craft 3D sculptures of the Spirits of Nature. Based on Marcel Wanders’ iconic Monsters, these spirit characters are designed with open arms as if longing for a hug. Besides designing the sculptures and their flowery surface design, the studio also did the Art Direction, which resulted in matching quirky animations and creating a comic book in collaboration with a comic artist.
The Spirits of Nature, design by Marcel Wanders for Leblon Delienne, 2021
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