A wonderful story unfolds around every turn in this contemporary classic hotel, whose iconic building is designed by SWA architects. The Mondrian Doha in Qatar (2017) is a five-star destination designed by Marcel Wanders and operated by the global hospitality company SBE, drawing on local knowledge and exhibiting innovative materials and techniques. Each space possesses its own identity, allowing guests to form a collection of stories woven with a main theme that runs throughout. Marcel Wanders’ signature style spans from the hotel’s lobby and restaurants to royal penthouses, VIP units, suites, and premium and standard rooms. Bespoke designs reflect local patterns, Arabic writing, and historic souks. Giant columns with golden eggs, a ‘tree of life’ made of flowers, falcon video art, ornate stained glass, and intricate mosaic tiling add to this most luxurious and holistic hotel experience.
Caption: Mondrian Doha, an iconic interior by Marcel Wanders, operated by global hospitality company sbe, 2017
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